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What are the parameters to measure semen health?

What are the parameters to measure semen health?

Date : 2019-04-27

Infertility is not just a problem for women. The infertility specialists in Hyderabad working in Motherhood fertility centre, famous test tube baby clinic in Hyderabad have researched the causes of infertility and found that one-third of the infertility cases are due to male infertility. By doing various techniques on the treatment of male factor infertility, now Motherhood fertility centre is becoming the leading male infertility treatment in Hyderabad.

Having a healthy sperm is very much important. Its health not only help in conceiving, but also sperm quality also plays a very important role in the overall pregnancy and the health of the baby.

The semen parameters are just the guidelines to measure the semen health and the parameters are given below:

Semen Ejaculate Volume

The infertility specialists found that when there is an obstruction of the vas deferens (the duct that carries sperm from the testicles to the urethra), partial retrograde ejaculation, absence or blockage of the seminal vesicle or a hormonal imbalance, then low semen volume has occurred.

Low volume of semen also caused by stress over the test. This abnormality is also caused by inflammation of the reproductive glands.

Total Sperm Number

Having low sperm count leads to many problems like varicocele, chronic or undiagnosed health problems including diabetes or celiac disease or an infection, problems with ejaculation like retrograde ejaculation, hormonal imbalance, duct problem and exposure to toxic substances.

This semen abnormality also be caused by certain medications. Exposure of the scrotum to heat, high fever, smoking, obesity, and excess alcohol intake. All these affect the sperm count.

Sperm Concentration

By doing male factor infertility diagnosis, the infertility specialists also know that low level of sperm concentration is a part of an overall low sperm count, or it can be related to an abnormally high ejaculate volume.


Poor sperm motility is also called as Asthenozoospermia. This abnormality may be caused by illness, nutritional deficiencies, certain medications or poor health habits like smoking. Many of the causes of male infertility include low sperm count and cause poor motility

Viability or Vitality

When all sperm in the semen sample is dead, then Necrozoospermia is used. There are a number of causes for having necrozoospermia, including many of the same things that can cause low sperm count.


Teratozoospermia is the abnormality, which is used for poor sperm morphology. It is caused by the same things that can cause low sperm counts.

For the treatment of male factor infertility, sperm morphology is very much important. But it is poorly understood. By doing the evaluation of sperm morphology, the infertility specialty gives scores and this score can vary on the same semen sample, in the lab, using the same scoring techniques. With the treatment of male factor infertility, the infertility specialists suggest that if only the sperm morphology is abnormal, but all the other semen parameters are normal, then male fertility may still be considered normal.


Delayed in liquefaction may lead to a problem with the prostate, the seminal vesicles, or the bulbourethral glands, which are also called as the male accessory glands.

Semen pH

The pH level of semen should have greater than 7.2.

White Blood Cells (WBC)

When finding out the causes of male infertility, the infertility specialist in Hyderabad also show that a higher than normal white blood cell count is called leukocytospermia, and it may lead to infection. Bacterospermia occurs when excessive levels of bacteria are found in semen.

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Website: http://www.motherhoodfertility.com/

Email: motherhoodfertility@gmail.com

Phone No: +91 9490026462

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Why and how sperm donation is done?

Why and how sperm donation is done?

Date : 2019-06-07

Sperm donation, it is a process in which a man donates semen, which is a fluid containing sperm that is released during ejaculation to help a couple to conceive a baby. This procedure is often recommended by the infertility specialist in Hyderabad working in the Motherhood fertility centre, the outstanding fertility Center in Hyderabad to those couples where there is a problem of the father rather than the mother. The donated sperms can be injected into the mother’s reproductive organs through different fertility treatments like stimulated IUI treatment and in vitro fertilization hormone treatment in the IVF Treatment Clinic‎‎ in Hyderabad. The donated sperm is called third-party reproduction. Now Motherhood fertility centre is becoming one of the best fertility centers in Hyderabad servicing the best Infertility treatment in Hyderabad.

The man who donates the sperm can be known or anonymous to the receiver. If the sperm donation made to a known recipient are called directed donations. But before the donation of sperm, the sperm must be screened for medical conditions and other risk factors by the infertility specialist in Hyderabad. It is really important to understand the psychological, emotional and legal issues of the sperm donation process. The Fertility Center in Hyderabad takes all concern about these factors.

Why it\'s done

The sperm donation process is done to help an individual or a couple to conceive a baby. Anyone who has healthy sperm can choose to make a sperm donation to help those couples who are unable to conceive — like a woman who doesn\'t have a male partner or a couple facing male infertility.

If you want to donate semen to a sperm bank, you\'ll likely be paid for each sperm donation that passes the sperm bank\'s screening procedure. Payment is provided to compensate you for your time and any related expenses. The cost is typically so low that money isn\'t the main reason for donating. All these procedures are done in our fertility clinic in Hyderabad.

What you can expect

Before the sperm donation process, you\'ll likely be asked again to stop from ejaculation — either through sex or masturbation — at least for 2-3 days.

During the procedure

Sperm donation is typically done at a sperm bank or at the fertility centre. You\'ll provide your semen sample in a sterile cup through masturbation in a private room.

After the procedure

The sample will be frozen, which is also called cryopreserved and kept in quarantine for minimum of six months. Then you\'ll be tested again for any infectious diseases like HIV.

If all of the test results of yours are negative, the frozen sample will be defrost and the quantity, quality, and movement of sperm will be evaluated again. It is noticed that sperm samples from some men are more susceptible to damage at the freezing process. Any damage caused by the freezing process can also different from sample to sample from the same donor.

If your sperm acquires the quality standards, you\'ll be considered as a sperm donor. Most of the sperm banks or fertility centre in Hyderabad limit the number of children your sperm can be used to conceive. But specific guidelines and limits vary.

Contact Us:

Website: http://www.motherhoodfertility.com/

Email: motherhoodfertility@gmail.com

Phone No: +91 9490026462

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What are donor sperm and its process?

What are donor sperm and its process?

Date : 2019-06-15

The infertility specialist in Hyderabad of the Motherhood fertility center, the famous fertility Clinic in Hyderabad suggested donor sperm for stimulated IUI treatment or in vitro fertilization hormone treatment, enables women to be pregnant who are single or in same-sex relationships. A male factor infertility diagnosis can be another reason for going for sperm donation. Because of providing all the solutions to the problem of male infertility, now Motherhood fertility centre is becoming the best fertility center in Hyderabad.

For other couples having severe or untreatable male factor infertility or if the male carries some hereditary disease which he doesn’t want to pass on use donor sperm, then the infertility specialist in Hyderabad suggest for which becomes the ideal treatment for all these cases.

The donor sperm available in our fertility center in Hyderabad has a thorough family history, complete medical, social as well as psychological history, blood group information, genetic screening along with screening for transmissible diseases.  We also cautious about the regulated guidelines like the donated sperm must be quarantined for a period of 6 months to ensure that the donor still screens negative for infectious diseases like HIV.

Our Fertility Clinic in Hyderabad is providing you the opportunity to select your own donor through. The donor choice of yours can be based on racial or ethnic background, physical or social properties, or previous history.

In the donor insemination process, all women or couples considering this option are encouraged to meet with our expert infertility specialist in Hyderabad. This is an important step in this procedure as it allows for discussion of the decision-making process and also the consideration of the effect the choice may make on the individual or couple.

The Process

In the Fertility Center in Hyderabad, the donor insemination process can take 7 days a week. Normally, one donor insemination process is performed in each cycle to ensure the maximum chance of conception. That’s why it can typically take 4 to 6 months of donor inseminations to have a successful pregnancy. For this procedure, the infertility specialist in Hyderabad working here would advise ordering several donor sperm samples in preparation. In case the leftover samples can remain frozen for future utilization.

Stimulated IUI treatment is simple and quick. Once you arrive in the Fertility Clinic in Hyderabad the day of the insemination, the lab will start to thaw the sperm. When it is ready, you will be asked by the doctor to come into the exam room. Just as with a routine test, a speculum is placed into the vagina to clearly view the cervix. The sperm is labeled with your name and identity which you verify for us with a signature. Then the sperm is loaded into a small syringe with a soft plastic-tipped catheter. And the catheter is passed through the cervix as well as into the cavity of the uterus, where slowly the sperm is injected. Once the insemination process is completed, you will be asked to rest for another 5-10minutes and then you carry on with your usual daily activities.

Contact Us:

Website: http://www.motherhoodfertility.com/

Email: motherhoodfertility@gmail.com

Phone No: +91 9490026462

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Can a man become infertile after having a baby?

Can a man become infertile after having a baby?

Date : 2019-06-21

Although maximum people think that infertility is a woman’s problem and there is no link of secondary infertility with men. But it is not true. From several investigations, the infertility specialist in Hyderabad working in the Motherhood fertility centre, the famous fertility center in Hyderabad found that about 20% of infertile couples, the problem is with the male partner. In man, infertility is the only reason that a couple can’t conceive for the second time or it may simply add to the difficulties caused by infertility in his partner.  

That’s why it is very much important that men get tested before fertility treatments like stimulated iui treatment and in vitro fertilization hormone treatment. Although some men hesitate to be tested, possibly it avoids the embarrassment of being called infertile. But early testing can provide your partner with a great deal of unnecessary discomfort and expenses. It is better to solve it out those problems. Because of the success rate, Motherhood fertility centre is now becoming the best Infertility Hospital in Hyderabad providing the best Infertility Treatment in Hyderabad.

The infertility specialist in Hyderabad found the possible reasons for male infertility if you are struggling to conceive the second time.

1. If you are a man whose sperm count is low

It is obvious that and known by everyone that age, health or medications affect the quality and quantity of the sperm. But it is really surprising that many men should know some common practices can reduce sperm production. They are:

Taking supplements of testosterone

Exposing the testes to heat

It is very much important to keep your testes cool. If they are too much warm, maybe it is from tight clothing or using of any electronics, it can affect sperm counts.

2. If you are overweight

In both men and women, being obese or overweight can be a very big problem when conceiving. In the case of women, while the added weight can increase to insulin resistance and elevated testosterone level, which may stifle the ovulation. The infertility specialist in Hyderabad in the fertility clinic in Hyderabad also found that the implantation rates are very much lower for those who are underweight or overweight than those couples who have a healthy weight. For men, excessive weight can enhance the levels of estrogens levels, leading to lower sperm counts.

3. If you drink too much alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can enhance problems with conception. Moderate to heavy consumption of alcohol can disrupt hormones and hinder the production of sperm. It also increases the time it takes to conceive and decreases the chances of delivering a healthy baby.

4. If you smoke vigorously

It is no surprise that smoking is not good for anyone. That may be men or women. Smoking can affect fertility very badly. In the case of women, smoking can damage eggs and cause ovulation problems. And in the case of men, smoking can damage sperm DNA.

It should be remembered by the couple that patience is good, but don’t wait too long to get help from the infertility specialist in Hyderabad providing service in the fertility centres in Hyderabad.

Contact Us:

Website: http://www.motherhoodfertility.com/

Email: motherhoodfertility@gmail.com

Phone No: +91 9490026462

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What is cryopreservation?

What is cryopreservation?

Date : 2019-07-15

Cryopreservation, it is the procedure of freezing biological material at extreme temperature, most commonly -196 °C/-321 °F in liquid nitrogen.  At this very low temperature, all biological activity stops the biochemical reactions that lead to the death of cell and degradation of DNA. The infertility specialist in Hyderabad, who are working in the Motherhood fertility centre, the leading fertility centre in Hyderabad find out some theories which make this cryopreservation method possible to store living cells along with other biological material unchanged for centuries. Because of the investigations now Motherhood fertility centre is becoming the best Infertility Hospital in Hyderabad providing the best Infertility Treatment in Hyderabad.

The main challenge for the infertility specialist in Hyderabad of cryopreservation is to help cells to survive both codings to the extreme level of temperatures and thawing back to some physiological conditions. Particularly, intercellular ice formation is a very critical issue which has to be controlled to keep the cell membrane intact and the cells alive. The important elements to prevent this are the freezing rate and the consumption of the freezing medium utilized. Generally, this freezing medium consists of a diluter, which is a protein source and cryoprotectant compound. The choice of the most suitable cryoprotectant will give impact to the preservation result and will be much different between the cells and different species. 

For the infertility specialist in Hyderabad, cryopreservation is very much important in breeding programs to reserve desired genes but provides an opportunity to save endangered species.  Cryopreservation is performed by the cryogenetics in special laboratories of best fertility centers in Hyderabad. Cryogenetics is the process which includes all the steps from quality evaluation, packing, dilution and freezing in liquid nitrogen. 

After the sperm is cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen, the couple can choose how you would like the cells to be stored with us or if you want the cells can be returned for storage at your own site. Only you require to notify cryogenetics when the material is required for the fertilization process and then we will organize the return of shipment. The infertility specialists in Hyderabad working in the best fertility centers in Hyderabad get training for the milt thawing and fertilization process. 

Having the exact cryopreservation protocol is having the best possible container in which to store the frozen sperm. Each container requires to be tailored by the infertility specialist in Hyderabad to its application; an optimal volume, biosecure, non-toxic, space-saving, practical and aid the fertilization procedure after thawing. Based upon these design principles, Cryogenetics has evolved two specialized and patented receptacles. Those are SquarePack® and a “Micro-straw”.

The SquarePack® volume is about 12.5 ml and is designed for freezing the cells of milt in large volumes. This is a critical factor in providing efficient reproduction and would be utilized for Atlantic salmon for example. One salmon male can provide more than 1 liter of diluted milt which means that about 0.5 ml straws are far too small for such larger scale production requirements.

The “Micro-straw” was developed at the opposite end of the scale, like Zebrafish who provide sperm in a volume of nearly 1-3 µl. The “Micro-straw” holds volumes about 50 µl of diluted sperm which is a more suitable container for these smaller species.

Contact Us:

Website: http://www.motherhoodfertility.com/

Email: motherhoodfertility@gmail.com

Phone No: +91 9490026462

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Do you know about peritoneal infertility?

Date : 2019-09-05

In the small pelvic peritoneal cavity, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries exist. In the Fertility centres in Hyderabad, peritoneal factor infertility treatment is done to avoid physical dysfunction like infections, adhesions, and formations because of infertility. The individuals suffering from pelvic inflammatory disease, adhesions secondary to surgical process, endometriosis, ovarian cyst rupture may change clog fimbria (oviduct end) and oviduct motility. For all these problems, the best infertility specialist finds out the ultimate solution by peritoneal infertility treatment. 

The large myoma as well as any formations cause many disturbances to the peritoneal fluid exchange and interfere naturally with the normal procedure of egg grabbing process. This process can be done in the IVF centre in Hyderabad.  

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Two of the general pelvic inflammatory diseases causing factors include gonorrhea and chlamydia infections. In the peritoneal infertility clinics, inflammatory relapse episodes occur. Then the tubal damage risk increases from 34% in the first time to 54% after 2nd time and then 3rd episode. In the blood serum, inflammatory agents are diagnosed from cervical secretions and determination of many antibodies. The peritoneal infertility doctors take care of all these things infertility hospital in Hyderabad.   

Often the patient does not remember the acute pelvic inflammatory episodes. But the tubal potency disorders are diagnosed at the time of laparoscopy or hysterosalpingography (HSG). Then, it is found that near about 21% of cases are diagnosed laparoscopically by the peritoneal infertility specialist.   


Endometriosis is a severe condition of infertility where tissue, like the lining of the uterus (endometrial stroma as well as glands, which are situated only in the uterine cavity), are found in other parts of the body. 

In many investigations by the best infertility doctors in Hyderabad and noted that generally, Endometriosis affects about 10% of women of reproductive age (from the starting of menstruation to menopause). Endometriosis disease in nearly 26% of cases is the cause of primary infertility and also 13% of cases secondary infertility.

The lesions of Endometriosis vary from microscopic to macroscopic. Classic endometriosis is black-violet in colour and situated on the ovaries, bladder, fallopian tubes and bowel peritoneal surface.

Still, as the best fertility centre in Hyderabad, Motherhood fertility centre found that the cause of infertility is still controversial and the hypothesis of mild and medium stages of endometriosis as one of the major causes of infertility. The hypothesis confirms that medium and mild endometriosis contributes to infertility problem, which is based on the following mechanisms:

A number of macrophages in the peritoneal fluid that enhances phagocytosis of sperm;

Like less sperm adhesiveness to the zona pellucida;

Increased cytokine levels;

Increased immunoglobulin synthesis;

The peritoneal fluid has become poisonous to the foetus;

Less activity of natural killer cells (NK).

Endometriosis is related to some ovulation disorders like oligo-ovulation, luteal phase deficiency (LPD), or luteinized unruptured follicle (LUF). 

Although one of the most common signs of endometriosis is unclear until now, our peritoneal infertility specialist finds out that cyclical abdominal pain, often endometriosis foci are found due to prolonged infertility.

Contact Us:

Website: http://www.motherhoodfertility.com

Email: motherhoodfertility@gmail.com

Phone No: +91 9490026462

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What are the treatments available for cervical factor

What are the treatments available for cervical factor

Date : 2019-09-21

The cervical factor infertility treatment in Hyderabad is essentially the poor PCOS treatment in Hyderabad. But, good or poor post-coital test standards are not well defined. In many fertility centres in Hyderabad, the fertility specialists find out some significant cervical factor treatment. Because of the effective treatment, Motherhood fertility centre is now becoming the best fertility centre in Hyderabad.   


Before the cervical infertility treatment, it appears that the presence of less than five active sperm is accompanied by a comparative decrease in the fertility power and this level can be taken as a symptom of poor post cotial test. That’s why it is advisable to do the best PCOS treatment in Hyderabad in Motherhood fertility centre. 

Primarily, the poor post-coital test requires a careful review of Semen Analysis test in Hyderabad. Inappropriate quality of semen is one of the most common causes of poor post-coital test and probably the most overlooked. Not only is it the count, but also the motility as well as longevity of the matter of the sperm.  

Secondarily, before finding out the reason for the poor post-coital test to a hostile cervix, the post-coital test doctors must be sure that the post-coital test was carried out at the time of the preovulatory period. This can be confirmed only by expecting the onset date of the next menstrual period and then investigating the temperature of the basal body. So, in case the quality of semen is good, the post-coital test was carried out at the time of preovulatory period and if the result of an immune system study and mycoplasma culture is negative, then one should go to the cervical factor infertility clinic for proper treatment. 


Stenosis is another cause occurred by overzealous cauterization of the endocervical canal. Commonly it is of congenital origin. In the fertility hospital in Hyderabad, the iatrogenic type, the actual cause is because of more to the destruction of the endocervical gland resulting in inadequate mucus, rather than to narrow the passageway itself.  In case menstruation occurs, it is tough to conclude that the path of the small sperm, which can be aided by widening the path, but dilation of the stenosed cervix appears to be very much helpful. 

The dilation process should be done first under anesthesia, incident to laparoscopy or D & C and after that once dilated, the enlargement can be maintained by two or three preovulatory dilations under the paracervical block in the IVF centre in Hyderabad. Low level of estrogen can be introduced to the dry cervix with the expectation that not all glands have been destroyed and those remaining glands will respond back with increased mucus secretion. When all these attempts fail, go for IUI treatment in Hyderabad


 This types of issues most responsive therapy, where there is insufficient preovulatory mucus production caused neither by over cauterization nor by dangerous infection. Although the actual causes are unknown, often there is a good response to the low level of estrogen.  

Contact Us:

Website: http://www.motherhoodfertility.com/

Email: motherhoodfertility@gmail.com

Phone No: +91 9490026462

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Facts and Tips about Fertility Treatments

Facts and Tips about Fertility Treatments

Date : 2019-11-14

Infertility is just not a merely medical problem but it also affects someone emotionally as well. One has to earn hope to cope up with the crisis and also should know that one cannot bear a child normally. It is a universal dream that every couple wants to have their own child. Infertility could be emotionally distressing. Infertility treatment is almost similar to chronic illness and it involves a lot of finance and emotional strain. Women and men do worry about infertility, and they should prefer to empower themselves more regarding the reproductive system. Let’s check out the facts and various tips about fertility treatments that are given by most of the fertility centres in Hyderabad. Acquire the necessary knowledge to cope up with infertility. 

If one is infertile, then he/she needs to get checked by a doctor. For that, you should consult any fertility specialists or embryologists. Is this your concern, then no worries, Motherhood is boasting the extensively experienced infertility doctors in Hyderabad who can take care of the complete process of your fertility journey. The infertility doctors in Hyderabad will check the complete health history, sexual history, and medications that you might have used previously and let you know the further step to start your fertility journey. Men will need to take a physical exam that often includes sperm analysis, this can be done infertility centres in Hyderabad. This step is a must to check the health of one’s sperm. 

How to know one is Infertile?

Coming to women the testing begins with a physical exam and medical history, which includes a pelvic examination. The infertility doctors in Hyderabad then do the examination and make sure that female does ovulate regularly or not, her ovaries are indeed releasing the eggs or not. Blood tests will be taken to measure hormone levels. Ovaries, as well as the uterus of the female, will be examined with the help of ultrasound and specific X-ray tests to check the health condition of uterus and fallopian tubes.

Most of the fertility centres in Hyderabad have stated that in about 80% of couples, the major cause of infertility is either an ovulation problem caused by blockage of their fallopian tubes or due to a sperm problem. The remaining 5-15% of couples are normal where the cause is not really known. 

What kind of treatments are there for infertility?

Generally, women infertility is treated with the following treatments like, first the infertility centres in Hyderabad suggest fertility drugs and hormones help the woman ovulate or restore their hormone levels. Another type is going for surgeries to remove tissue that might be blocking fertility or even to open blocked fallopian tubes. 

Whereas infertility in men can be treated with surgeries, by using antibiotics which meant to treat infections in the reproductive organs. infertility centres in Hyderabad, offer various kinds of medications and the needed counseling to treat infertility problems with erections and ejaculation. In case to optimize the hormone levels various hormone-related treatments are possible at fertility centres in Hyderabad.   

Infertility in men and women can also be treated with the aid of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) techniques. There are many types of ART which includes, IVF, IUI, ICSI, and more. Motherhood as the best IVF centre in Hyderabad is nurturing the dreams of parenthood in childless couples. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is the best and the most popular and successful treatment when compared to other infertility treatments. And the best IVF center in Hyderabad is providing reliable IVF treatment services with a high success rate. 

At best IVF centre in Hyderabad, Motherhood you can also opt for artificial insemination, surrogacy, egg donation, embryo donation, and other fertility treatments.  

Contact Us:

Website: http://www.motherhoodfertility.com/

Email: motherhoodfertility@gmail.com

Phone No: +91 9490026462

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