What are the parameters to measure semen health?

What are the parameters to measure semen health?

Infertility is not just a problem for women. The infertility specialists in Hyderabad working in Motherhood fertility centre, famous test tube baby clinic in Hyderabad have researched the causes of infertility and found that one-third of the infertility cases are due to male infertility. By doing various techniques on the treatment of male factor infertility, now Motherhood fertility centre is becoming the leading male infertility treatment in Hyderabad.

Having a healthy sperm is very much important. Its health not only help in conceiving, but also sperm quality also plays a very important role in the overall pregnancy and the health of the baby.

The semen parameters are just the guidelines to measure the semen health and the parameters are given below:

Semen Ejaculate Volume

The infertility specialists found that when there is an obstruction of the vas deferens (the duct that carries sperm from the testicles to the urethra), partial retrograde ejaculation, absence or blockage of the seminal vesicle or a hormonal imbalance, then low semen volume has occurred.

Low volume of semen also caused by stress over the test. This abnormality is also caused by inflammation of the reproductive glands.

Total Sperm Number

Having low sperm count leads to many problems like varicocele, chronic or undiagnosed health problems including diabetes or celiac disease or an infection, problems with ejaculation like retrograde ejaculation, hormonal imbalance, duct problem and exposure to toxic substances.

This semen abnormality also be caused by certain medications. Exposure of the scrotum to heat, high fever, smoking, obesity, and excess alcohol intake. All these affect the sperm count.

Sperm Concentration

By doing male factor infertility diagnosis, the infertility specialists also know that low level of sperm concentration is a part of an overall low sperm count, or it can be related to an abnormally high ejaculate volume.


Poor sperm motility is also called as Asthenozoospermia. This abnormality may be caused by illness, nutritional deficiencies, certain medications or poor health habits like smoking. Many of the causes of male infertility include low sperm count and cause poor motility

Viability or Vitality

When all sperm in the semen sample is dead, then Necrozoospermia is used. There are a number of causes for having necrozoospermia, including many of the same things that can cause low sperm count.


Teratozoospermia is the abnormality, which is used for poor sperm morphology. It is caused by the same things that can cause low sperm counts.

For the treatment of male factor infertility, sperm morphology is very much important. But it is poorly understood. By doing the evaluation of sperm morphology, the infertility specialty gives scores and this score can vary on the same semen sample, in the lab, using the same scoring techniques. With the treatment of male factor infertility, the infertility specialists suggest that if only the sperm morphology is abnormal, but all the other semen parameters are normal, then male fertility may still be considered normal.


Delayed in liquefaction may lead to a problem with the prostate, the seminal vesicles, or the bulbourethral glands, which are also called as the male accessory glands.

Semen pH

The pH level of semen should have greater than 7.2.

White Blood Cells (WBC)

When finding out the causes of male infertility, the infertility specialist in Hyderabad also show that a higher than normal white blood cell count is called leukocytospermia, and it may lead to infection. Bacterospermia occurs when excessive levels of bacteria are found in semen.

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Website: http://www.motherhoodfertility.com/

Email: motherhoodfertility@gmail.com

Phone No: +91 9490026462

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