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Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Protecting Your Digital World

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Protecting Your Digital World

Date : 2023-10-30

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, a special time to\r\nraise awareness of the importance of cybersecurity and promote good digital\r\nhygiene. In an increasingly digital world, the need for robust cybersecurity\r\npractices has never been more important. Let\'s take a look at some insightful\r\nstatistics and valuable advice to help you protect yourself in this digital\r\nenvironment.




Ransomware Surge: Over the past year, ransomware attacks\r\nhave increased by 93%, with cybercriminals targeting both individuals and\r\norganizations. (Source: Cyber ​​security Ventures)




Phishing Control: Phishing attacks remain the biggest threat,\r\naccounting for 36% of all breaches. (Source: Verizon Data Breach Investigations\r\nReport)




Risks of Remote Work: With the advent of remote work, a\r\nwhopping 70% of organizations have experienced a cybersecurity breach as the\r\nattack surface expands. (Source: Microsoft)




Unpatched vulnerabilities: Alarmingly, nearly 60% of\r\nbreaches involve vulnerabilities that are available but unpatched. I did.\r\n(Source: ServiceNow)




Here are somecybersecurity tips to protect against cyberattacks:




1. Regular software updates: Update all your software,\r\nincluding your operating system, applications, and antivirus tools. Stay\r\nupdated. Updates often include patches that fix known vulnerabilities.




2. Strong Passwords: Use complex and unique passwords for\r\neach online account. To keep track of your passwords securely, consider using a\r\npassword manager.




3. Multi-factor authentication (MFA): If possible, enable\r\nMFA to add an extra layer of protection to your account. MFA helps prevent\r\nunauthorized access even if your password is compromised.




4. Beware of Phishing: Be wary of unsolicited emails,\r\nespecially those that request personal information or contain suspicious links.\r\nPlease verify the identity of the sender before clicking on the link.




5. Educate your team: Stay informed about the latest\r\ncybersecurity threats and trends. The best defense against cyber attacks is\r\nknowledge.




6. Back up your data: Regularly back up your important data\r\nto a safe location or to the cloud. In the event of a ransom ware attack, there\r\nis no need to pay a ransom to recover your data.




7. Security software: Install reliable antivirus and\r\nantimalware software on your device. These tools effectively detect and block\r\nthreats.




8. Protect your Wi-Fi: Consider protecting your home network\r\nwith..................





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Want to boost your cybersecurity? Here are 10 steps to improve your defences now

Want to boost your cybersecurity? Here are 10 steps to improve your defences now

Date : 2023-11-01

In today\'s interconnected world, our increasing dependence on technology has brought both remarkable advancements and a looming specter of cyber threats. It is a stark reality that cyberattacks through modern technology pose a significant danger. Recognizing this, October has been declared the National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in the United States since 2004. This dedicated month serves as a reminder for organizations and governments worldwide to unite in the collective effort to combat cybercrimes.

In a recent development, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Cybersecurity Council has sounded a warning alarm regarding the mounting instances of cyberattacks on the nation\'s digital infrastructure and assets. This warning is a potent reminder that no organization is exempt from the pervasive threat of cyberattacks, highlighting the crucial need for proactive measures to bolster an organization\'s cybersecurity defenses.

The UAE government emphasizes the gravity and prevalence of these threats, compelling organizations across the nation to take immediate action to safeguard their digital assets and sensitive business information. To mitigate the risk of cybercrimes, the Cybersecurity Council urges both the public and private sectors to activate their Emirates Emergency Response Systems, facilitating the sharing of critical data with authorities.

As part of their strategy, Mohamed Al Kuwaiti, the UAE\'s Chief of Cybersecurity, has noted that strengthening collaborations with international entities, most notably Interpol, will bring added expertise to fortify the country\'s cyberspace. This international cooperation is vital in ensuring the safeguarding of digital assets and preserving national security in an era when cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and prevalent.

Visit blog for more information: - https://www.visiontechme.com/blog/want-to-boost-your-cybersecurity-here-are-10-steps-to-improve-your-defences-now/
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