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Facet Joint injection

Date : 2024-04-24

What Is Facet Joint Injection?

Facet Joint injection

A lumbar facet injection is a minimally invasive procedure carried out to reduce inflammation and debilitating caused by a damaged facet joint. Facet joints are located in your spine; they help connect your backbones together.

The primary function of these joints is that they provide your spine with mobility to twist or bend. Between the facet joints, there’s cartilage, which contains synovial fluid, encouraging a smooth and gliding motion for your spine.

As soon as these joints become damaged, movement is restricted creating a condition known as Facet Syndrome. This often arises as a result of overuse, injury, or onset of inflammation. At Pro Spine & Pain, our highly experienced board-licensed anesthesiologists and pain management specialists help alleviate pain and inflammation with facet joint injections.

In a 20-minute procedure, you’ll be injected with a local anesthetic and corticosteroid into your injured joint. This injection is relatively painless and starts to take effect in just 72 hours, lasting up to 12 months, based on your condition.

To know more about this injection, book an appointment at Pro Spine & Pain.

Conditions and Symptoms Treated With Facet Joint Injections

Before having any joint injection at Pro Spine & Pain, our specialists diligently take you through a comprehensive consultation. In this appointment, they’ll review your medical history, symptoms, and concerns.

If you have the following conditions or symptoms, they may refer you for imaging and a potential injection:

Facet joint injections are not a cure to treat facet joint pain; instead, they are only a form of temporary relief. Sometimes, underlying conditions may need to be addressed, which often require further interventions such as medications, physical therapy, or even surgery.

How Are Facet Injections Given?

Before having a facet joint injection, you’ll need to have a consultation with one of our spine specialists. Using a collaborative approach, they’ll review your symptoms and medical history, conduct an examination, and run advanced diagnostic imaging.

If they decide an injection is the best course of treatment, they’ll brief you about the procedure. Usually, this takes 20-30 minutes, and you’ll be discharged home the same day.

If you are to have the injection, they’ll typically undergo the following procedure:

  1. You’ll be laid face down on an examination table
  2. Your skin will be then cleaned, and you’ll be given a local anesthetic to ensure you feel no pain
  3. Then, they’ll use a fluoroscopy (a live x-ray) for guidance and insert a thin needle in your skin into your facet joint.
  4. Next, they’ll inject a contrast tye to ensure the needle’s in the correct location
  5. Then, a mixture of local anesthetic and corticosteroids to reduce inflammation
  6. They’ll then remove the needle

After the procedure, you’ll be kept in for a short observation period to ensure no adverse reactions. Always follow your doctor’s aftercare advice and have someone drive you home after the procedure. You should be able to return to your daily routine the day following the surgery.

Read more: https://prospinepain.com/injection-therapy/facet-joint-injection/

Pro Spine & Pain
34 Schroeder Ct suite 110, 
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 200-3420



Google maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/dBQEe29fYarXP4NTA

https://plus.codes/86MG2GXC+7G Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Nearby Locations:
Greentree, Orchard Ridge, Summit Woods, Westmorland, Midvale Heights

Working Hours:
Monday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Tuesday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Wednesday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Thursday: 8AM - 4:30PM
Friday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Saturday:  Closed
Sunday:  Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Hip Injection

Date : 2024-04-24

A hip injection involves injecting a joint medicine (corticosteroid) and a local anesthetic into where your leg joins to your hip joint. It’s a minimally invasive procedure that is used as a form of temporary relief to reduce pain and inflammation in your hip joint. It’s also used often as a diagnostic tool to reconfirm your hip joint holds the source of pain.

With your hip joint being the largest weight-bearing joint in your body and one of the most used, it’s prone to wear and tear, injury, mechanical stress, and a range of conditions. Your hip’s frequent motion can cause lower back and leg pain and radiating pain in your buttocks.

You can have a hip joint injection at Pro Spine & Pain within 15-30 minutes after an initial consultation. With a collaborative approach, we explore all treatment options for your hip according to your medical history, symptoms, and lifestyle. Book your next appointment with us at one of our five centrally located Wisconsin clinics and start your road to recovery.

Conditions Treated With Hip Injections

Often, hip injections are used to help manage a range of inflammatory diseases or pain caused by conditions and lifestyle factors such as the following:

  • Infection
  • Arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Herniated disc (sciatica)
  • Poor diet
  • Inflammation of the hip joint

It’s important to note that a cortisone injection in the hip injection is not a cure for these treatments but rather one aspect of treatment. The duration of pain relief can vary based on the type of pain, condition, and the amount of muscle relaxant medication administered. Usually, a hip joint injection can last several months.

Hip Joint Injection Procedure

A hip joint injection is a relatively straightforward and painless procedure. Our highly skilled anesthesiologists and pain management specialists, all licensed board members, regularly give these injections to their patients. Usually, if time permits, it can be done on the same day if not in a small minor 20-minute follow-up appointment.

Before administering the injection, they’ll run advanced diagnostic imaging tests to examine your hip joint in detail. If they feel a hip joint injection would suffice, they will provide you with prior instructions to avoid driving and strenuous activities and stop taking certain medications.

Then they will:

  1. Face you down on an x-ray table, cleaning your skin over the hip
  2. They’ll administer a local anesthetic to numb a small area of your skin within seconds
  3. Next, they’ll use a fluoroscopy (a live x-ray) to ensure the accuracy of the needle placement into your joint. This x-ray provides them with images in real-time to help them guide the needle
  4. Once the needle is in the right location, they’ll inject several drops of contrast dye to ensure the medication reaches the joint
  5. If successful, they’ll use a mixture of anti-inflammatory medication (corticosteroid) and anesthetic injection to the joint.

Following the procedure, you’ll be observed for 30-60 minutes afterward to ensure no adverse reactions. After that, you’ll be discharged on the same day, and you can expect the injection to take effect any time between 24 and 72 hours following. With this being a minor procedure, you can return to your daily routine 24 hours later.

Pain Relief Following the Procedure

It’s normal to experience a slight increase in pain once the anesthetic wears off; this is a sign of the cortisone starting to work. If you find the area uncomfortable a few days afterward, apply an ice pack to the injection site.

On the contrary, if you notice no significant improvement in your pain ten days following, then you may need further diagnostic tests to locate the root cause. You may also be referred for physical or manual therapy in parallel to your injection to ensure it’s effective.

Read more: https://prospinepain.com/injection-therapy/hip-injection/

Pro Spine & Pain
34 Schroeder Ct suite 110, 
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 200-3420



Google maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/dBQEe29fYarXP4NTA

https://plus.codes/86MG2GXC+7G Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Nearby Locations:
Greentree, Orchard Ridge, Summit Woods, Westmorland, Midvale Heights

Working Hours:
Monday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Tuesday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Wednesday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Thursday: 8AM - 4:30PM
Friday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Saturday:  Closed
Sunday:  Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Shoulder Injection

Date : 2024-04-24

What Is a Shoulder Injection

Shoulder Injection

A shoulder injection is a swift 15-30 minute minimally invasive procedure. It involves an injection given to your shoulder joint or surrounding tissues. A shoulder injection is primarily used to treat or diagnose shoulder-related conditions. Often, it consists of a combination of a corticosteroid and a local anesthetic which helps reduce pain and swelling together.

During this procedure nerve signals are temporarily blocked to reduce pain. This injection is commonly given as a temporary treatment or integrated with a range of other nonsurgical treatments, such as physical therapy and pain relief medications. A shoulder joint injection can help alleviate symptoms linked to osteoarthritis, frozen shoulder, rheumatoid arthritis, and degenerative wear and tear.

Typically, a shoulder injection can relieve pain for several months; however, each patient’s response to the injection differs. You may experience shorter or long-term relief depending on your pain, condition, and lifestyle.

To know more about this, book an appointment at one of Wisconsin’s five centrally located clinics. All with state-of-the-art facilities, a caring team of board-licensed pain management specialists, anesthesiologists, and advanced practice providers, quickly reclaim control over your pain.

Who Can Have a Shoulder Joint Injection?

After a comprehensive consultation reviewing your medical history, symptoms, and diagnosis, your physician may refer you for a shoulder joint injection.

Shoulder injections can help alleviate pain caused by the following conditions:

  • Shoulder Bursitis
  • Rotator cuff tendonitis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Inflammatory conditions
  • Osteoarthritis of the shoulder
  • Inflammatory conditions

In addition to relieving conditions, your physician might give you a shoulder joint injection for diagnostic purposes. Sometimes, this can help them identify the source of pain.

If you are still experiencing pain a week after your injection, it may be a sign that the pain is coming from somewhere else, and you need a further diagnosis.

Types of Shoulder Injections

Depending on your pain, symptoms, and shoulder condition, there are different shoulder injections.

You could either have one of the following:

  • Steroid injection: This is the most common shoulder injection, which provides quick pain relief and allows joint movement. These are often integrated with physical therapy.
  • Hyaluronic acid injections: help stimulate the production of synovial fluid, which helps lubricate the joints. Often, these are given to provide pain management support for conditions like arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Read more: https://prospinepain.com/injection-therapy/shoulder-injection/

Pro Spine & Pain
34 Schroeder Ct suite 110, 
Madison, WI 53711
(608) 200-3420



Google maps: https://maps.app.goo.gl/dBQEe29fYarXP4NTA

https://plus.codes/86MG2GXC+7G Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Nearby Locations:
Greentree, Orchard Ridge, Summit Woods, Westmorland, Midvale Heights

Working Hours:
Monday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Tuesday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Wednesday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Thursday: 8AM - 4:30PM
Friday:  8AM - 4:30PM
Saturday:  Closed
Sunday:  Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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