Phoenix Chiropractic

Neurologically-based Chiropractic

At Phoenix Chiropractic, we offer spinal adjustments as a safe and effective way to treat a variety of health problems. Spinal adjustments are a non-invasive, drug-free treatment that focuses on correcting misalignments in the spine, which can cause pain, discomfort, and a range of other health issues. Our chiropractors in Peachtree Corners are highly skilled and use a variety of techniques to perform spinal adjustments, including manual adjustments, activator methods, and drop table techniques. We begin with a thorough examination and consultation to determine the best course of treatment for each patient. During a spinal adjustment, our chiropractors use gentle pressure and precise movements to realign the spine, restoring proper function and reducing pain and discomfort. Patients may experience immediate relief following a spinal adjustment, and our chiropractors work closely with patients to develop a customized treatment plan that addresses their specific needs and goals.

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3200 Pointe Parkway Ste 300 Peachtree Corners
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