In.Sek Design

In.Sek Design

Seeking for an outstanding designer or interior decorator can be devastating at times if you are unsure which designer you go to for the scope of your project. The fabricator can help you finding your own style, creating beautiful interiors that are unique and meaningful. Just like in In.Sek Design, We want to work with our clients to know what they want at the same time give their insight about the project to come up with great work of art. 

In.Sek Design’s studio is located in 1093 Pacific Street #2D, Brooklyn, New York. The team is composed of wonderful talented Fabricators namely Ashira (owner), Liz (studio manager), Erin and Amy. In 2011, Ashira started this company to create brilliant work of arts by hand. She has the urge to generate something out of the drawings she made when she was still a student of the architecture program at Pratt Institute. Each of the members of In.Sek Design has mastered their skills in their own fields and merged to form where the company is right now. The way they make their projects is one of a kind. We toil directly with the materials and ask the client what direction they want to go as they go along the project.

Taking care of mother earth is one of In.Sek Design’s advocacy. We use environmentally friendly materials to help fight the growing problems about pollution. The fabricators also have specialization in each material and design. We like incorporating different materials such as concrete, metal and wood. These materials are durable and give an elegant rustic feel when done. It can also make the finished product long-lasting that you can even pass it on to the next generation. 

In.Sek Design incorporated the traditional way of creating home decor and furniture into a modern design. And it forms into excellent products. You may visit our website to see more of our fantastic products or contact us through our social media accounts.

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1093 Pacific Street #2D Brooklyn NY 11238
Phone:3473518915 Phone:3473518915
Legal Entity: Founded: No Employs: Turnover:


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