G2 Refrigeration & Air Conditioning - Scotland

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G2 Ref was built from the ground up by company founder Grant Galloway, that was presented to the industry at age seventeen. Grant's function with G2 Ref has been unwavering over the years - to use clients the most effective service, and to regularly better our expertise to accomplish this.

One way in which we keep up with the most up to date market innovations is by utilising contemporary technology. Our competent designers make use of top of the array service monitoring systems to make certain that we are responsive to our clients' service demands and supply competitively valued parts.rnOur mission is to continue to offer an exceptional client experience, and a great office environment for our staff members.

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Address Details
Hillington Industrial Estate 45 Hepburn Rd Hillington G52 4RJ
Legal Entity: Founded: No Employs: Turnover:


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