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How to dry wet carpet?

How to dry wet carpet?

Date : 2020-12-16

If you are reading this, you probably have a wet carpet in your house and you are looking for ways to dry it. Before we discuss how to dry a wet carpet, let’s dig at how a wet carpet can affect you and your surroundings.

If you leave your carpet wet for long – it leads to multiple consequences such as:

  • Mould or mildew growth
  • Damage to the walls and sub-flooring
  • Unpleasant aesthetics 
  • Health risks
  • Damp, smelly environment

There is more to it. However, most of us would prefer cleaning or drying the carpet on our own, but we fail to figure out the extent to which a carpet is damaged. Often, a carpet may seem dry but holds moisture beneath (something that only professionals can interpret easily). Moreover, there can be a possibility that your carpet holds a ton of hidden impurities in the form of dust, moisture, bacteria, mould and whatnot. 

All of these combined can be the prime reason you need to look out for an expert cleaning agency that deals with carpet cleaning services and offers solutions for flood damage by water extraction, water damage restoration and even flood damage extraction. Here are some points to note before you find an answer to how to dry wet carpet. 

What causes wet carpet?

There can be plenty of reasons your carpet can go wet. However, we have picked some of the most common causes for you:

Snow and rainfall

Leakage from walls or ceilings can cause your carpet to get wet by leaving moisture in it. Rainwater can leak through these places and eventually damage your carpet, which consequently leads to a foul odour and other major problems.

Snowfall, on the other hand, also poses a bigger threat to your carpet. Small snow particles can enter via winds if you do not insulate your house correctly. Once entered, they can melt, leading to a wet carpet. 


Leakage in pipes can seem like a minor problem. However, if not treated on time, this can lead to a wet floor, which makes the carpet damp and more prone to mould growth. Ensure that you get your plumbing maintained on a regular basis in order to avoid pipe leakage. 

Poor insulation

Suppose you have zero or less insulation inside your house. In that case, your house’s windows or walls may get colder, especially during the winters. Cold walls lead to alleviating condensation on the walls as well as glasses. This can also turn your carpet wet. 

Home appliances

It is obvious that we all have the following appliances installed at our houses:

  • Washing machine
  • Dishwasher
  • Air conditioner

Often, these appliances consume more water usage leading to accidental leakage. Ensure that certain appliances are not overfilled to avoid water flooding inside your house and save your carpet from getting wet.

Things to consider before drying your wet carpet

Now that we have found what causes a wet carpet, it is time to understand a few things before looking for ways to dry a wet carpet. Consider the following points before you make a decision to dry your wet carpet:

Carpet’s age

If you already have a carpet that has been sitting in your house for long, then it is essential to know that its condition has deteriorated. Moreover, delamination can cause damage to your carpet. Hence it is a perfect time to change your existing carpet.

Permanent solutions

Even though you clean your carpet once, it may still get wet. The key is to look out for the root cause and eradicating it altogether. Find what is the cause of the wet carpet and then fix the problem to avoid repetitive carpet drying or water damage restoration. 

Usage of water

Once you have decided to get your carpet fixed with the following services, pick the source of water that would lessen the chances of mould growth inside your carpet: 

  • Flood damage
  • Water extraction
  • Water damage restoration
  • Flood damage restoration 

Find a clean source of water like a supply line to clean the carpet. Otherwise, rainwater can damage the carpet quality in the long run and even promote bacterial growth.

How to dry wet carpet?

Let’s break this – wet carpet can be due to multiple reasons such as:

  • You have just cleaned your house
  • Your house had an accidental flood
  • Its winter
  • You accidentally experienced an appliance leakage

There can be more to it. Let’s dive straight into the ways on how to dry a wet carpet:

Dry wet carpets after cleaning

After you have cleaned your house, you must use certain measures to dry clean your wet carpet. We understand the struggle behind the process. Thus, we have listed some quick tips that might help you overcome flood damage and even water extraction, water damage restoration, flood damage restoration and more. Here are some tips:

  • Let the airflow increase: If your carpet is in a room with windows or adequate air ventilation, you can keep the windows open for extended moisture protection. Not only will this keep your carpet away from foul odours, but also help keep it fresh and clean.

  • Use ceiling fans: If you want to dry your carpet and the weather is not supportive, ceiling fans can work wonders in such instances. Ceiling fans can help keep the air ventilation proper to avoid moisture in your carpet.

  • Blow-dry: Just as any professional cleaning service, you can blow-dry your carpet on the areas that are still left wet after cleaning, leaving minimal bacterial growth and moisture chances.        

Dry wet carpets after a flood damage

Although there are multiple flood damage extraction services out there, you can always try your hand at drying your wet carpet. Here are some of them:

  • Use shop vacs: Due to their strong suction capabilities, shop vacuums can help you with excess water extraction. These wet/dry vacuums can remove water with their strong suction and leaves no space for blackwater or any kind of dirt on your carpet. 

  • Try towel dry: If you don’t have access to a shop vac, you can try placing dry towels over the damp carpet regions. Plus, jumping on the towels might also help you squeeze out the excess water in your carpet.

Drying carpets in winter

Winters can make the process even challenging to dry your wet carpet. However, you can try sticking to using a fan, dehumidifier or a heater to overcome the frigid moisture, mould and bacterial growth leading to the stinky environment.

When to look for a professional carpet cleaning service?

If you have tried the methods mentioned above and still cannot figure out how to dry a wet carpet, it is time to look for professional help. There are plenty of carpet cleaning services that help you deal with such cases.  

With years of experience, their cleaning experts can help you with the following issues:

  • Flood damage
  • Water extraction
  • Water damage restoration
  • Flood damage restoration

At Emergency Carpet Drying, we offer some of the finest and effective carpet drying services. Our experts help you by quickly drying your carpet within 6 to 10 hours. We implement multiple technological methods such as hot water extraction, carpet shampooing and encapsulation.

You can get in touch with us by giving a call on 0488854705 for more information on emergency carpet drying due to flood damage and other such carpet cleaning problems.

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