Laser fat reduction

Because the skin on the back the hands is extremely thin, the loss of natural fatty tissue as we age will readily reveal wrinkles, skin laxity and even underlying structures such as veins and tendons, making you look older than you really are. Over-the-counter hand creams might make your hands feel softer, but they are unlikely to provide any significant improvement in appearance. Cosmetic hand rejuvenation treatment or “Hand Lift” can result in a big improvement in the appearance of aging hands and restore a younger, refreshed look.

There are a variety of procedures. These procedures reduce or remove stubborn pockets of fat to contour and shape different areas of the body. Most non-surgical fat reduction treatments are based on one of these four principles:

  • Laser lipo or laser lipolysis uses controlled heating and laser energy to target fat cells.
  • Cryoliposys, uses freezing temperatures to target and destroy fat cells.
  • Radiofrequency lipolysis uses controlled heating and ultrasound technology to target fat cells.
  • Injection lipolysis uses injectable deoxycholic acid to target fat cells.

Cellulite is a condition that affects most women and a small percentage of men. Your body contains fibrous connective cords that link the skin to underlying muscle tissue, while fat deposits lie in between those links. As fat cells accumulate, and the fibrous tissue cords that anchor the skin shorten, adipose (fatty) tissue pushes up against the skin, creating an uneven surface and a dimpling “orange-peel” effect.

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