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Date : 2021-02-23

If you have been involved in a chain reaction car accident, you may be wondering how to establish liability when there are more than two parties involved. Fault can lie with more than one party and several factors are taken into consideration when determining liability. If you have been a victim in a chain reaction car accident, the wisest course of action would be to engage a car accident lawyer. Experienced lawyers can work with witnesses and experts to obtain proof that can go a long way in establishing fault.

What Causes Chain Reaction Car Accidents?

Chain reaction car accidents are accidents that involve two or more vehicles. This can happen when multiple vehicles rear end into each other, for instance. This series of collisions is usually sparked off by a single collision, though more than one party can be at fault depending on the circumstances. Below are some common causes of chain reaction car accidents:

  • Unfavorable weather conditions
  • Speeding
  • Distracted or fatigued driving
  • Driving under the influence (DUI)
  • … and many more

Establishing Liability for A Chain Reaction Car Accident

When three or more parties are involved in an accident, establishing liability can be tricky. Below is a list of factors that are taken into consideration during the process:

  • Order of impact: At the scene of a chain reaction car accident, police will speak with each individual driver to deduce the sequence of events. However, it may not be as clear cut as the driver of the vehicle that caused the first collision being fully responsible. For instance, they may have driven onto that particular section of the road to avoid a speeding vehicle.
  • Eyewitness statements: Pedestrians and drivers of other vehicles who were around at the time of the accident can be asked to provide eyewitness statements. These statements can prove to be incredibly valuable in establishing fault, especially if the accident occurred at a high-traffic area. If witness statements tally, fault can be established and the relevant investigations carried out timely.
  • Expert witness testimonies: It may be necessary to bring in an accident reconstruction expert under certain circumstances, such as when the facts do not add up or a party is insisting they were not at fault despite evidence to the contrary.

In certain cases, it may be possible that more than one party is at fault. This makes pursuing a car accident claim more complicated than usual. Here is where the help of an experienced attorney will prove invaluable. They will be able to handle the entire process and negotiate for a fair settlement amount for you.

Choose Corradino & Papa, LLC For Car Accident Representation and Compensation

Have you been involved in a chain reaction car accident? If so, let the experienced attorneys at Corradino and Papa, LLC, assist you in establishing liability and fighting for a fair settlement. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

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Date : 2021-02-23

One component that can make up a significant part of your personal injury claim is that of pain and suffering. This is calculated on top of any quantifiable expenses incurred, such that of medical expenses and direct loss of wages. However, it can be hard to calculate exactly how much a victim should be reimbursed for pain and suffering. For instance, losses can take place in the form of lost opportunities or emotional trauma. How can a price be put on that?
When in doubt, victims should always seek the counsel of an experienced attorney in calculating pain and suffering reimbursement. They are able to advise you on the maximum amount it is reasonable to claim for based on the severity of your accident and the ways your life has been affected.

Establishing Pain and Suffering

There is no fixed reimbursement amount for pain and suffering as no two accidents are the same. On top of that, the way two individuals are affected by a similar accident can be different. For instance, a victim whose job is heavily dependent on physical labor may find themselves out of work whereas one who holds a desk-based job may not.
Below are some common causes of pain and suffering victims endure after accidents:

  • Mental and emotional trauma
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Physical pain that can be recurring and requires long-term rehabilitation
  • Reduced ability or inability to return to work in the same capacity as before
  • Reduced quality of life, such as the inability to participate in activities they used to enjoy
  • Loss of companionship
  • … and more

How Has the Accident Changed Your Lifestyle?

In order to present a case for the above causes of pain and suffering, you will need to prove that your lifestyle has changed as a result of the accident. The most obvious way to prove this is through medical bills and appointments. If the accident resulted in a long-term injury or condition that requires rehabilitative treatment or expensive medical equipment, not only are you affected financially, your ability to live life the way you did before the accident is impacted. That is why pain and suffering is an additional component on top of medical reimbursement – the financial loss is not your only loss.

In addition, documents from your therapist, testimonies from those living with you and diary entries can prove emotional anguish and a diminished quality of life. For instance, if you took weekly dance classes before the accident and are no longer able to do so, not only are you deprived of a pastime that makes you happy, you may experience loss of companionship from being stranded at home.

Choose Corradino & Papa, LLC For Personal Injury Accident Representation and Compensation

If you have been injured in an accident, you may feel that you deserve more than a reimbursement of your medical expenses. If so, you can count on expert representation from Corradino and Papa, LLC to assist in calculating and fighting for the pain and suffering settlement you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

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Date : 2021-02-23

You may be aware that most car accident claims are settled out of court. However, some cases do go to trial out of necessity, such as when the insurance company is only willing to compensate you a small sum that does not even begin to cover your medical expenses. That is why you should ensure that your car accident attorney is ready and willing to represent you in court, although that should only be a last resort. An attorney can assist you in the negotiation process with the insurance company for an out-of-court settlement as well.
While it is in the interests of both parties to settle things out of court, sometimes it may not be possible. In this article, we share with you the top reasons car accident cases go to trial.

Settlement Amount is Too Low

Insurance companies can try to minimize your compensation by downplaying the severity of your injuries or claiming that they are not caused by the accident. These excuses are used as reasons to reduce your settlement amount. However, you should never settle for an unreasonable sum that leaves you out of pocket after accounting for the incurred medical expenses, loss of wages, vehicle repairs and more.

Disputing Fault

One way insurance companies reduce claims is by claiming that the victim is at least partially to blame for the accident. To this end, they can twist your words to make it seem like you were at fault. When in doubt, always get your attorney to communicate with the insurance company on your behalf.

Claiming Injuries Are Unrelated to The Accident

Always seek out medical attention as soon as possible after an accident. Besides the obvious reasons, insurance companies can use a delay in time to claim that your injuries were not caused by the accident and hence, downplay your claim.

Going to Trial

If you are unable to agree on a settlement amount with the insurance company, your attorney may decide that the wisest course of action is to take the case to trial. When your side has established the intention of going to trial, the insurance company may have second thoughts as a trial is expensive and time-consuming. Besides which, the jury may award you a higher settlement amount than they are willing to pay. While it is likely that they will return with a higher offer, it is not guaranteed. That is why you should ensure that the attorney of your choice is not just willing to go to trial, but has experience and success doing so.

Choose Corradino & Papa, LLC For Car Injury Accident Representation and Compensation

If you have been negotiating back and forth with an insurance company for your car accident claim to no success, seek legal advice immediately. The experienced car accident attorneys at Corradino & Papa, LLC can assist with the negotiation process as well as a court case if it comes to that. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

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