What Are The Common And Advanced Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes?

What Are The Common And Advanced Signs And Symptoms Of Diabetes?

You must have heard people suffering from diabetes.  But, many people don’t have a real concept of it. The increase in blood sugar level in our body gives rise to this physical condition. Our body consists of various hormones; each one is useful for several functions within our body.  Insulin is one among such hormones which initiate the process of extracting glucose from our food and get it to the cells. This however is used as energy by our body. But, sometimes this glucose does not reach the cells to produce energy. As a result the unused glucose stays in our blood and creates diabetes in an individual.  Let us discuss on the signs and symptoms of diabetes.

How will you know that you are suffering from diabetes?

It is very important to know that an individual is suffering from diabetes right from the beginning. But, some people cannot figure it out at an early stage. In this connection, the signs and symptoms of diabetes play a vital role.  The initial warning signs are really mild. Thus, it is really hard for an individual to notice the same. Following are some of the signs and symptoms:

Ø  Hunger

The diabetic patient tends to become hungry more frequently. The body has a wonderful mechanism of converting your food into energy. But, it is always necessary for the cells to intake the insulin. Sometimes due to undesirable physical condition your cells resists the insulin. The glucose cannot get into the cells and creates hunger.


Ø  Dry mouth and itchy skin

Another symptom that you can view in the individual suffering from lack of glucose is dry mouth. Normally, our mouth remain watery due to saliva present in it. This contain the enzymes which helps in digestion in food once we take it inside. But, when you have diabetic body, it uses the fluids to make pee. Thus mouth becomes dry and skin itches.


Ø  Fatigue

When an individual is suffering from diabetes, the body is unable to make enough insulin. Thus, the body loses energy. You become extremely tired and fatigue comes to the state.

The advanced symptoms

Once you have known the minor or the initial symptoms, it will be easier for you to guess the issue. You can straight away go to the doctor and go ahead with diagnosis and treatment. Again if the diabeties reaches to the advanced state, that makes a problem as well. Following are some of the type 2 signs and symptoms of diabetes

Ø  Slow healing of cuts- Normally our body has all the antibodies to fight with various physical conditions. Thus a normal person with adequate blood platelette count can get the cloth soon. But, when you are suffering from diabetes that give rise to excessive blood loss and heals very slow.

Ø  Yeast infection- The yeast infection is very common for the diabetic patient. You can get it in toe and fingers and even in sex organs.

Ø  Pain and numbness in legs- The nerve damage take place due to diabetes. Thus, you can experience pain in legs and feets.

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