The abstraction of actuality swung

Just capital to get added people's thoughts on this, as it absolutely pissed me off a few times.

A band-aid I anticipation of was that you abolish the accurate blow amid spider and amateur buy Dark And Darker Gold altogether and instead put in some affectionate of apathetic that gets activated if a amateur attempts to airing over a spider.

Obviously this comes with it's own issues, but I feel like it's a bigger band-aid than the accustomed trampoline physics they have. Any thoughts/other solutions?

Edit: It's been commented that their hitbox was anchored so that they were beneath 'bouncy' in one of the contempo playtests. But I still accretion it absorbing to altercate whether they should acquire a blow hitbox with monsters/players at all.

The abstraction of actuality swung at by a skeleton while a spider is beneath its anxiety bitter at you, is both alarming and seems to bender the vibe of aphotic and darker.

Also it seems antic that in the accustomed accompaniment of the game, 1 atypical spider MMOexp Dark And Darker can anatomy block a wraith/skele champ from entering a room.

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