The word phobia means an unreasonable sort of fear that can cause avoidance and panic it’s a common type of anxiety disorder. Phobias can be treated with cognitive behavioral therapy using exposure and fear reduction techniques. In many case anti-anxiety or anti-depressant medication proves helpful especially during the early stages of therapy.

 In this article you will read about phobia of holes and how it can affect one’s life.


Trypophobia is a condition in which a person fear the sight of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps, the term trypophobia was coined in 2005 by internet users that merged the Greekword hole and fear. Many experts claimed that having fear of holes is in our genes and one may dislike tightly packed clusters or hole patterns. A new study defines trypophobia as fear of holes linked to physiological response more associated with disgust than fear.

Phobia of holes or trypophobia is not officially recognized in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and statistical manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).

People who suffers with Trypophobia cannot stand the sight of objects that have clusters of holes many people described their fear of coming in touch with honey combs, a lotus seed pod or even aerated chocolates.

What triggers trypophobia?

There are several objects that can trigger trypophobia though the research is relatively limited but there are certain facts that determine reasons for triggering trypophobia .

·         Honeycombs

·         Strawberries

·         Pomegranates

·         Condensation

·         Bubbles

·         Holes or bumps on flesh

·         Insect eyes

·         Coral

·         Molds

·         Holes in diseased or decaying flesh

·         Bubble wrap

·         Fruit seeds

·         Sea sponges

·         Cantaloupe

·         Aluminum metal foam

·         Spotted skin of animals


Symptoms of trypophobia triggers up when seeing patterns of holes or cluster of holes people react with disgust or fear. Some of the symptoms for phobia of holes are mentioned below:

·         goosebumps

·         feeling repulsed

·         feeling uncomfortable

·         distress

·         visual discomfort such as eye strain, distortions or illusions

·         feeling your skin crawl

·         panic attacks sweating

·         nausea

·         body shake

·         feelings of revisions

·         rapid breathing

·         fear and anxiety

·         itching

·         vomiting


Well there is no specific treatmentpropounded to benefitsuffers but there are some treatments available with successful outcomes. Treatment is listed with self-help treatment, therapy and medications.

Other treatment therapies options can also help manage phobia of holes whichare mentioned below:

·         Talking or counselling therapy with psychiatrist.

·         Medications and sedatives canhelptoreduce anxiety and panic symptoms.

·         Relaxation technique including yoga and deep breathing.

·         Physical activities and  exercise manages anxiety

All of the above mentioned methods can help in variousways such as

·         reducing stress level

·         eat healthy and balanced diet

·         face fearful situations head on as often as possible

·         Reach out to friends, family, support groups to connect with other people managing the same issues.

·         Avoid caffeine and alcohol

Trypophobia is not an officially recognized phobia but some researchers challenges its existence with symptoms. If you feel disgust on seeing patterns of holes then seek doctor’s help and counselling.


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