M12 connector

M12 connector

M12 connector 

The appropriate wires should also bernselected when connecting, and they should be determined before connecting. Inrnorder to better use it, there is a good M12, so we need to pay attention tornthese matters, in order to better M12 connector. Must go to M12 according tornthe instructions. Every connector equipment purchased is accompanied byrninstructions, instructions will have installation considerations, installationrnshould follow the steps inside;


1. the appearance of M12 should bernchecked after it is finished, and the next operation can be carried out afterrnconfirming that it is correct. The items checked vary according to the type ofrnM12 connector.


2. Connector closure height should berncorrect at M12, put on the right position, M12 head can not have a wire head,rnair pressure should also be in the specified range.


3. For automatic M12, each part shouldrnmove smoothly, the interface should be able to dock, and the wires shouldrnmaintain appropriate tension.


4, the dimensions of connectors andrnwires should meet the relevant requirements, and the specifications for use arernclearly specified.


5, the depth of M12 should also bernnoted, many people may think that as long as a little contact can be, in fact,rndifferent combinations of M12 depth is different, for those professionals arernvery clear. Connectors in M12 should be paid close attention to. Sometimes, ifrnyou do not pay attention to the gates, it will lead to unqualified products inrnthe back, and the loss is not small. 

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