Injection Treatment is Increasingly Interested in Women During Pandemic

Injection Treatment is Increasingly Interested in Women During Pandemic

Beauty treatments are performed by women to improve the quality of appearance. In some people, treatment can be done only by using beauty products and adopting a healthy lifestyle.

But for some others, the aging process that occurs cannot be fought only with skin creams. There needs to be an intervention, one of which is injection treatment. What's that?

The beauty doctor at Miracle Aesthetic Clinic, dr. Lanny Juniarti, Dip. AAAM revealed, injection treatments are increasingly popular during the pandemic. Injection treatment in the world of beauty, he said, is divided into two goals, namely to relax the muscles, and to fill the void in the face.

To relax the muscles, usually botulinum toxin, known as botox will be injected into the face to eliminate the dynamic lines that usually appear due to facial expressions. For example, when we laugh, frown, seriously think and so on.

"Relaxing facial muscles is necessary, because if left unchecked, lines that were previously dynamic will become static or permanent. In cases like this, Botox injections can relax muscles," he explained during the #StepUpYourBeauty campaign with Zuellig Pharma Therapeutics (ZP Therapeutics) Indonesia, Thursday (2/12/2021).

Meanwhile, to fill the void on the face, facial filler injection treatment by including hyaluronic acid gel is commonly used. The emptiness on this face, continued dr. Lanny is not only caused by aging, but it could also be due to the anatomical structure of the face that looks empty.

In Indonesians, it is usually under the eyes, chin, nose and jaw. So that later it will form the contours of the face, with more proportional results. Facial fillers can also be used to fill in wrinkles that can't be solved with just Botox injections.

Seeing the instant results, not requiring much time to undergo the treatment and the short recovery time, it is no wonder that the need for these two injection treatments is increasing rapidly in the world.

"Moreover, this treatment doesn't hurt, pain can be managed. There is comfort management, pain management and good quality products that can manage the pain itself. That's why doing this with experienced doctors and beauty clinics is very important,

Adding to the conversation, ZP Therapeutics Indonesia Chief Operating Officer, Aylie Widjaja said, with the increasing trend of people worrying about their appearance during the pandemic

"This campaign wants to inspire and invite more people to continue to improve their self-care routine, by not only adopting a healthy lifestyle but also trying injection treatments, such as Botulinum Toxin and Facial Filler," he said.

Through proper consultation with a licensed esthetician, patients need not have any doubts about the safety and impact of this treatment on themselves. He hopes that the #StepUpYourBeauty campaign can have a positive impact on the quality of life of patients receiving this treatment in general, due to their increased self-confidence.

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