Chia seeds are the edible seeds of Salvia Hispanic a flowering plant in the  native to Central  America the seeds are oval  with gray and black spots. They are excellent source of nutrients like Omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, fiber, iron and calcium. They can be eaten cooked or raw but they should be soaked before eating. Chia seeds are healthy to revitalize your body and they can become everyday part of your diet.

Let’s learn some health benefits of chia seeds

·         Chia seeds are rich source of fiber: according to The United States dietaryguidelines from 2015 to 2020it advises mento consume30.8g of fiber per day and females must consume 25.2g per day under the prescribed age of 50 and to adults who are over 50 and males can consume 28 g per day and women must consume 22.4 g per day.Chia seeds are the easiest way to increase fiber intake one ounce of chia seeds provides 10 g of fiber.

·         Helps in reducing weight: thisis the most needed Health Benefit Of Chia Seeds as people who are overweight and trying for weight loss can consume chia seeds. It is a rich source of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids which helps in reducing weight. They can be consumed as gel when mixed with water as it keeps you full for longer and you don’t feel hungry all the time.

·         Treats diverticulosis: eating chia seeds withplenty of fruits and vegetables can reduce pressure and inflammation in the colon. High fiber diets helps in decreasing the flare ups of diverticulitis by absorbing water in the colon and making bowel movements easier to pass.

·         Diabetes: among many health benefits of chia seeds reducing blood sugar level is one, chia seeds may lower the rise in blood after a high carb meal, possibly benefitting people suffering with type -2 diabetes.

·         It reduces chronic inflammation: when humans lead unhealthy lifestyle the risk of chronic inflammation  increases with activities like smoking,  , poor diet, unhealthy routine etc. though chronic inflammation does not have  any  visible signs  but can be assessed with by measuring  inflammatory markers in your blood so when you start eating chia seeds  the inflammationreduces and you feel relief.

·         Loaded with antioxidants: chia seeds are healthy and packed with antioxidants that  slow down aging, results in younger skin healthier hair and can reduce the risk of cancer so daily consume this good stuff and make the impossible possible.

·         Contains calcium: to keep your bones healthy and strong consume health benefit from chia seeds they are rich in calcium and contains it more than dairy product so if you are allergic to dairy products then chia seeds are the option to increase your calcium consumption.

Chia seeds are edible and easily available in grocery stores they are good with cooking and baking, in vegan baking they can replace eggs, now you know several health benefits of chia seeds try them and stay healthy.


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