Effective Tick Pest Control Services in Canberra

If you live along the east coast of Australia, the chances are you’ve seen a few ticks in your time. The Paralysis Tick is the most common and problematic tick in this area and considering their miniscule size, these ticks can certainly pack a punch as doctors and veterinary surgeons can testify.

Paralysis ticks live in vegetation and dine on blood and they’re not too fussy who will host their next meal. And while most people are aware that horses, dogs and cats can be affected by ticks, many don’t realise that children and sometimes even adults may also become seriously ill when a tick latches onto them and goes undetected.

Here are 3 ways that ticks may cause illness in humans:

•Tick paralysis: When ticks remain on their host unnoticed a variety of symptoms may develop including weakness in the limbs, headaches, partial paralysis usually of the face, fever and or rash, and even flu like symptoms. Children are more susceptible in this regard than adults.

•Allergic reaction: A few individuals display an allergic reaction to ticks. In many cases the reaction will be mild however, in some individuals a severe and life threatening allergic reaction – anaphylaxis – may occur quite quickly after exposure and if this occurs, medical attention should be sought as a matter of urgency.

•Tick Typhus: Relatively rare, tick typhus is a tick borne disease that may be transmitted from native animals to humans. Treatable with antibiotics, symptoms include headache, rash, fever, flu like symptoms and swollen glands.

They may be small but ticks represent a significant danger to young children and pets, particularly as they’re so tiny and may go unnoticed until symptoms begin to occur. Even then, it may be difficult to locate the tick. Prevention is better than cure so here are two things you can do to minimize the risk of your children or pets being affected by ticks:

Helpful tips for Ticks:

  1. Trim bushy shrubs and minimize foliage around your yard – ticks tend to move onto a host when the host brushes against or walks beneath the foliage the ticks are on.
  2. Don’t keep shrubby areas too moist – ticks don’t like dry or very hot conditions.

In ACT and NSW there’s only one approved product for the eradication of ticks and only licensed pest controllers are allowed to apply it. If ticks are a problem in your area regardless of these measures, it’s time to call in a professional pest control operator to assist with insecticidal control of ticks and help you to keep your kids and your pets a little safer.

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