Beginner Guide on Usability testing and its benefits in software market

Usability testing is a valuable UX research process wherein a product is evaluated with real users. A set of standard tasks need to be typically completed by the participants. The team will observe and monitor the participant’s behavior during the testing process and take down specific notes. The objective is to analyze the thought process of the users while they are testing the product. In this article, you will get a brief introduction to usability testing along with its benefits.


What is Usability testing?

It is a testing method that evaluates a website’s or product’s user experience. When a representative group of users/customers test the product in a real-time environment, UX researchers can ascertain if the users can use the website or product intuitively and easily. Usability studies are conducted by UX researchers on every iteration of the product. 

During the usability testing process, there is an individual user session, wherein the moderator asks the participants to complete a set of specific tasks, while the testing team will monitor the testing process and take notes. When the website or product is navigated by the users, the team understands the concerns and constructive feedback is provided about the product or website. The testing team can observe when the users are experiencing confusion, encountering problems and also having a great user experience.

Once the testing process is completed, the results are analyzed and interesting insights are reported to the project lead.

The strategic need to perform usability testing:

A group of users test the application or website to uncover usability defects from a user experience and design point of view. Great emphasis is also laid on what the users think about the product after they have tested the product. The feedback provided by users helps product owners, designers, testers and marketers to understand the flaws in the product or application and thus make the necessary corrections.

When the usability-related issues are identified and fixed early on, then a considerable amount of costs and time can be saved. 

Benefits of Usability testing;

1. Evaluating the product from a usability standpoint: An accurate, unbiased and direct examination of the website or product’s user experience is provided. The team’s internal debates about the product’s usability can be resolved to a great extent by the feedback provided by users. 

2. It is convenient: To do a specific study on usability, all it needs is a quiet room and portable recording equipment. If the portable recording equipment is unavailable, then the team can just take notes. 

3. Track the user’s behavior: This testing method will let the team know what the user thinks about the product or application and the cause behind taking specific actions

4. Addressing product issues: The website or product issues can be properly addressed so that the design specifics related to the product or website can be greatly enhanced.  

Difference between user testing and usability testing:

User testing:

Generally, user testing is performed before usability testing. The objective of user testing is to ascertain whether future users are interested to use the product or tool that is being developed for their specific needs. Marketers can also use this testing method to understand and analyze the needs and issues of the product from a target audience perspective.

Usability testing:

This testing method can be conducted at any stage of the product design process. With each product iteration, this testing method can be performed. The aim is to assess how users use the product and whether they are able to easily navigate the product or website and find their specific areas of interest. 

Conclusion: If you are looking forward to implementing usability testing for your specific project, then do get connected with a professionally acclaimed software testing services company that will provide you with innovative and workable testing solutions that are in line with your project specific requirements.

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