Any iteration of the follower system makes an appearance in Diablo 4

With a wry smile they continue "stay and watch, we might have something exciting in the future to announce , but no guarantees." This instantly prompted an response from the producer of dungeons Ash Sweetring, who channelled her inner"Mr. Burns with an 'interesting hand gesture within the background. What's that? That's sus.If any iteration of the follower system makes an appearance in Diablo IV Gold, I'd prefer it to be the hired gun of Diablo 2 rather than omnipresent players. I enjoyed the wide range of abilities that followers offered within Diablo 2 and would love to see this system re-invented. It allows for even more possibilities for various styles, as well awesome demon-slaying ability chains.

In the meantime, you may want to read up on the Diablo 4 classes because that's what we'll be playing as primarily. In a separate interview, Director of the game Joe Shely, however, it was suggested that the roster could grow as well. After all, nothing is eternal in Sanctuary.

The primary developers behind Diablo 4 have stressed that they do not want players to "feel that they are able to pay to win" as the game comes out in the coming year.

In an earlier Diablo 4 livestream(opens in new tab) Game director Joe Shely, along with associate game director Joesph Piepiora, as well as community manager Adam Fletcher gave fans an update on all things Diablo 4, as well as providing an insight into the process prior to the game's release this summer.

During the stream, the trio discussed how to play the Diablo 4 battle pass (around the 39:15 mark in the video below) and the game's upcoming seasons. "It's extremely important for us to ensure that we are balancing with the features you'd expect to find in the battle pass" Piepiora stated, "the way that they're engaging but also fair. We don't wish to create any scenarios where players feel that they're being forced to pay. "To clearly distinguish between the battle pass and the seasons in Diablo 4 Piepiora said that "the seasons are still the same in Diablo 4, in the same manner as you did within buy Diablo IV Gold." The chapter-based mechanic gives players many goals throughout the seasons and allows them to earn in-game rewards in exchange for the characters they play. "All of the seasonal content is available for free. It's not linked to the battle pass itself," Shely adds.

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