5+ advantages and the disadvantages of flexible working (2023)

5+ advantages and the disadvantages of flexible working (2023)

Requesting flexible working is now a legal right for all employees, but you may be wondering about advantages and the disadvantages of flexible working for your organisation, and whether the benefits of flexible working are too weighted in favour of employees.

So, we will explore flexible working benefits and drawbacks so that you can see the bigger picture.

Advantages of flexible working

Better performance

Flexibility boosts productivity. 97% of managers surveyed said work increased or stayed the same. 93% of managers agreed on work quality*. Simply put, flexible working benefits people and improves performance. Better performance is the biggest benefit of flexible working for both employees and employers.
*Source Flexible Working and Performance, Cranfield University/ Working Families, 2008

Greater satisfaction

Flexibility boosts job satisfaction. Employees feel trusted to do their jobs in a way that benefits them. Good communication and empowering employees to work their way reduces workplace issues.

Greater retention and motivation

Employers can boost motivation and retention by treating their employees well and letting them work how they want.
*Source: Flexible Working Provision and Uptake, CIPD, 2012.

Less stress

Flexible working reduces stress. If they have a young family or care for an elderly relative, it lets workers adjust their work schedules. Flexible working can help you avoid rush hour, run, or walk in nature. It could improve health and productivity.

Attracting talent

Flexible work schedules attract top talent. Because you're not limited by geography, teams and organisations have more talent. Your remote workers can live anywhere! Thus, you increase your chances of hiring high-caliber candidates.

Disadvantages of flexible working

Communications challenges

Flexible working has drawbacks, including communication. To ensure adequate cover and the ability to meet and catch up, a robust centralised diary or rota and processes are needed when people work different hours in different locations. Business communication and collaboration are essential, and tools like Zoom and Teams for meetings and file sharing help.

Meetings and schedule differences

Flexible working can make scheduling difficult. These differences shouldn't matter if you plan and practise well. With planning and a "can do" attitude, remote workers can organise meetings and events.

Person not suited to flexible working

Flexible working may not suit everyone. Organizations may have issues if extraverts feel isolated working remotely. Introverted people who are uncomfortable participating in online meetings or having their video on can also have problems. Remote communication and team morale can suffer.

Low team spirit

Flexibility can reduce team spirit because people work at different times and places. This includes fewer gatherings. Knowing such drawbacks lets employers plan team building, social events, and other gatherings for reconnection, collaboration, and fun.

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